Stay On Target: A Mindset of Clarity

Two businessmen holding phones trying to communicate

He had already won a gold medal and was on the threshold of a historic second gold in the shooting competition at the 2004 Olympic Games in Beijing. Then, the unimaginable happened. American Matthew Emmons, with only his final shot remaining to capture the gold medal, took aim and shot the wrong target. He dropped […]

What Entrepreneurs Can Teach Us

An image of the word entrepreneur, teaching us valuable insights.

“You can have, do, or be anything you want,” states Dr. Joe Vitale, metaphysician marketing specialist, and author of The Secret.  If you know the force that causes all things to happen and how to harness the power for its proper use, you can have the life you desire. We live in the greatest country in […]

Three Fundamentals to Increase Business Worth

Three Fundamentals to Increase Business Worth illustrated through a hand holding a stack of wooden blocks with blue arrows pointing up.

What can you do now to improve your company’s value? There are three fundamental areas within your control that will increase what your business is worth today and will determine its ultimate worth should you decide to sell. Adjusted EBITDA EBITDA is defined as a company’s “earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization” and is […]

Identifying Your Unique Ability

By standing confidently, a person showcases their unique ability to a group.

In the initial stages of building a company toward a self-management model, the entrepreneur is involved in everything. When the company reaches a point where employees are operating freely and upholding more responsibility, the entrepreneur can shift focus from business development toward his or her area of mastery. Entrepreneurs are most productive when working with […]

Validating Desire

A man validating his desire by climbing a mountain with an orange flag.

A desire to learn, to try, to adventure, to build. Deep inside us all is a desire to determine our purpose and leave our mark on this world. Harvey Mackay said, “Find something you love and you’ll never have to work a day in your life.” We should pursue a vocation that fulfills our desires. […]

Building a Self-Managed Company

A entrepreneur unwinds in front of a window while building a self-managed company.

Are you taking 150 free days a year? If the answer is “no,” you need to build a self-managed company. In the early stages of a business, the entrepreneur is involved in everything – there are no free days. Eventually, after those never-ending hours, the company exits the startup stage and sustains growth up to […]

Impression Management

Two organisms - a shark and a fish - engaging in impression management while swimming in the water.

“You can’t live with people and you can’t live without them.”  Unless you are from Mars, you are involved with people; at a minimum everyone starts with a mom or dad.   The problem with people is discerning the differences in those individuals who have a degree in Impression Management (IM) and those of real character.  […]

Different Types of Business Broker Relationships

Two people engaged in a conversation at a desk, exploring various business broker relationships.

When looking to sell your company or acquire growth capital, choosing the right representation for your situation is vital. Variables such as top-line revenue, EBITDA, mix of revenue, residential vs commercial, recurring revenue and most importantly, what the end goal of the owner is all help determine which type of broker is a good fit. […]

Five Fundamentals of Success

A businessman is ambitiously climbing the ladder towards achieving his goal, embodying the Five Fundamentals of Success.

There are thousands of books and hundreds of motivational speakers that can describe a formula for success.  When you whittle them all down to the basics, these five just seem to always show up as the fundamentals, the ones most repeated by everyone.  I think we can all accept that success has many different definitions.  […]

Why Hire a Broker or Advisor?

Two business brokers shaking hands in front of a computer screen.

When you are a successful business owner, it’s easy to think of selling your business as another business problem you can solve. However, many owners overlook the amount of work needed to get your company ready to sell while also continuing to manage the day-to-day. This often proves to be a larger obstacle than initially thought.