Mark – 20+ Year Commercial HVAC Business

With the help of TREP Advisors, my business partner and I were able to sell our company to an amazing organization after 20+ years in business. This was a difficult decision to make, and throughout the process we said repeatedly that we don’t see how we could have possibly navigated these waters without their help and guidance. From the due-diligence and discovery items to the negotiation of not only the sale of the companASy but an employment agreement thereafter, the team at TREP Advisors were available to us every step of the way. 

They knew what was needed to ensure our deal was a good one for our family and our futures, and to that end, spent countless hours reviewing items from the attorneys and putting it into terms we could understand in order to make educated decisions. They remain supportive to this day, now almost a year later, and we couldn’t be more thankful to have partnered with such a thorough and experienced team such as TREP Advisors to handle one of the largest decisions of our professional careers.  

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